MDWF 3030 Complications of Labor, Birth, and Immediate Postpartum

PREREQUISITE: MDWF 2070/2075 (can be taken concurrently) and Completion of all Phase Two classes or currently a CPM/RM

This course covers complications in more depth for labor, birth and immediate postpartum. Focus is directed towards writing midwifery-practice documents for emergency care and variations of normal delivery. Case studies are utilized to demonstrate the application of clinical judgment and management within the scope of care of the Certified Professional Midwife. Learning


1. Providing client education using a shared decision-making model

2. Understanding and identifying components of the physiologic process of labor, including stages, support, monitoring and evaluation.

3. Understanding the mechanisms of labor for all presentations.

4. Familiarity with common complications of labor including indications and timing of transportation.

5. Understanding common labor interventions

6. Understanding principles of infection control, universal precautions, and reporting requirements for:

7. Identifying components of physiologic second stage, including how to conduct a normal delivery and identification of complications and indications and timing of transportation.

8. Understanding interventions for the second stage, including assisted birth and cesarean section

9. Understanding indications for intrapartum transport

10. Understanding and identifying components of the third stage, including complications, interventions and indications and timing of transportation

11. Supporting expectant management of the third stage

12. Understanding indications and procedures for active management of the third stage

13. Understanding indications for postpartum maternal transport

14. Familiarity with IPP complications of the neonate

15. Understanding and identifying components of immediate postpartum care for the neonate

16. Providing evidence-based client education for the postpartum period

17. Understanding indications for postpartum neonatal transport

18. Understanding importance of interprofessional collaboration

Course Catalog - Midwives College of Utah. (n.d.). Midwives College of Utah. Retrieved April 5, 2023, from


Emergency Care: Transfer Plan